An outlook on History of Science – அறிவியலின் வரலாறு – ஒரு பார்வை

ZOOM 60Harleys Road, Kilpauk, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

Partaking one’s knowledge gained through life experiences and numerous studies with others can be considered divine and fulfilling. Similarly, sharing perspectives through deliberations is another way of acquiring and enhancing one’s wisdom. A few of us have come together to create a platform *‘Viewpoints Club’* for many to participate in the discussions on varied topics of social relevance. For this month we have chosen the subject "AN OUTLOOK ON HISTORY OF SCIENCE" "அறிவியலின் வரலாறு – ஒரு பார்வை" for a discussion, and we were lucky to bring in a few highly knowledgeable personalities in this field for a healthy exchange of ideas on the above subject. This discussion concluded on (Sunday) 20th June 2021 at 6.30 pm on ZOOM platform.Partaking one’s knowledge gained through life experiences and numerous studies with others can be considered divine and fulfilling. Similarly, sharing perspectives through deliberations is another way of acquiring and enhancing one’s wisdom. A few of us have come together to create a platform *‘Viewpoints Club’* for many to participate in the discussions on varied topics of social relevance. For the month of June 2021 we present you an Interesting Panel Discussion on:Featured EventAn outlook on history of Scienceஅறிவியலின் வரலாறு - ஒரு பார்வைon […]

Nadigar Thilagam Sivaji – 93 : நடிகர் திலகம் சிவாஜி – 93

ZOOM 60Harleys Road, Kilpauk, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

Upcoming EventLast Concluded EventFeatured EventAn opportunity to explore your inner-self !An Interesting Panel Discussion on:Nadigar Thilagam Sivaji -93 நடிகர் திலகம் சிவாஜி - 93on Sunday, 3rd October 2021 at 4.30pm–6.30pm  (I.S.T.)This Event will be in Tamilஇந்த நிகழ்ச்சி முழுவதும் தமிழில் இருக்கும்on ZOOM platformFeatured EventAn opportunity to explore your inner-self !An Interesting Panel Discussion on:The Maturing Mind பக்குவம் அடைகின்ற மனம்on Sunday, 1st August 2021 at 6.30pm–8.00pm  (I.S.T.)The Discussions will be in English & தமிழ்on ZOOM platformThe Panelists ​Dr. Nappinnai Seran, Ph.D. - Senior PsychologistDr. Bhavanishankar Subramanian, Ph.D. - Senior Principal, Lalaji Memorial Omega International SchoolMiss. Divya Sornaraja - Tech-futurist and EntrepreneurFeatured EventAn opportunity to explore your inner-self !An Interesting Panel Discussion on:Nadigar Thilagam Sivaji - 93rd Birthday Celebration நடிகர் திலகம் சிவாஜி - 93ஆவது பிறந்தநாள் விழாVideo InviteThis Event will be in Tamil - இந்த நிகழ்ச்சி முழுவதும் தமிழில் இருக்கும்on ZOOM platformZOOM ID: 840 7526 6158   Passcode:  (Participants, please contact us for the Password) YouTube Link:   Date: Sunday, 3rd October 2021   -    Time: 04:30 pm to 6. 30pm (I.S.T.)Nadigar Thilagam Sivaji Fans can view the Live Event in the Box below or on YouTube. (Please refresh the page 5 mins before the event for the box below to get active,once the Box is active, […]